Friday, June 25, 2010

Parenting at its finest

Yes, really.
By the way, America isn't part of Asia. If I catch any of you b!tches doing this at one of my shows I'm getting your a$$ kicked out.

(Thanks for the tip, Ray!)


  1. I suppose potty training has to start somewhere...

    But seriously, just when you thought you had seen it all!

  2. On the upside, the booth babes are getting a good laugh.

  3. So is that a real Lamborghini or a Chinese knockoff (in a Japanese auto show)?

  4. hahahah lol! OMG! That is incredible!

  5. Ahaha! You definitely made my day. This picture especially, and the rest of your blog as well, are quite a distraction. Thanks for providing such intriguing/fun/appalling interweb insights!

  6. know in china children have rip away pants...and they SQUAT in the street.

    oh lord...ive seen things!
    ...cursed addictive site!

  7. Quit being such a tightass.

  8. HAHAHA, yep USA aint no Asia for sure

    greetz girlfriend

  9. Pissin in the wind? Mmmmmmm - nope, on 2nd thoughts you could say pissin' in the juice bottle. Love your blog, cheers Charles.

  10. HA HA HA HA!!! Great picture.

    This is definitely in Asia - I see this all the time in China. I've also seen parents hold their kids above a trash can while they poop.


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